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Within the phase model of trauma informed treatment approach, any good trauma resolution method can be used.
However, we most highly recommend EMDR, which has been found to be the most efficient of the research-supported
trauma resolution methods, for adults as well as children.


At therapeutic Choices, we are committed to providing the best, and most effective care. Because of this, All LIMHP therapists
are trained in EMDR and pursuing certification through EMDRIA approved trainers.


Website Resources:

What is EMDR

Find an EMDR Therapist


PTSD - General Information

Learning to Relax

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) -
Our practice has a lot of information on EMDR, because it is well researched,effective, well tolerated, and has been

found to be more efficient than the traditional exposure methods (such as Cognitive Processing Therapy, TF-CBT, etc.).
EMDR involves having the client concentrate on the worst part of the memory for perhaps half a minute at a time, with bilateral stimulation (BLS). This can be with a client moving his or her eyes back and forth by following the therapist's
moving fingers, with TheraTappers, sound modified for BLS, light bar, etc. This is done again and again until all distressing aspects of the memory have been worked through. The brief burst of exposure, combined with the distraction
of the eye movements, may help to make the procedure more tolerable.


Depression is a common but serious illness. Everyone occasionally
feels down or sad. But these feelings are usually short-lived and
pass within a couple of days, or even a few weeks.
When you have depression, it interferes with daily life and causes
pain for both you and those who care about you.
Depressive illnesses are disorders of the brain.
Brain-imaging technologies, such as magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), have shown that the brains of people who have depression
look different than those of people without depression.
The parts of the brain involved in mood, thinking, sleep, appetite,
and behavior appear different. 
A person who has clinical depression simply cannot
"just get over it", but many times, require the help of a
trained professional to help.   

Anxiety is common and treatable. An anxiety problem does not mean that you are weak or that you are losing your mind or that you have a personality problem. Severe anxiety is a problem that can be overcome with treatment. It does involve challenging and changing thinking patterns.





American Psychological Association

American Counseling Association

Lookup Therapist Licensure


Children and Teen Issues




NE Southeast Regional Network

Behavioral Health Resources, Lincoln, NE



National Suicide Prevention

National Center for PTSD

APA Panic Disorder

Depression Screening



Alcoholics Anonymous

Center for Online Addiction



Mood Disorders

Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II

Bipolar Disorder




NIH ADHD Information



Eating Disorders

National Eating Disorder Assoc

NIH Eating Disorders



Anxiety CBT Worksheet

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a hybrid therapy, that offers unparalleled results; combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic programming

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s., Psychotherapist

Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods, particularly when based on regular personal interaction, to help a person change and overcome problems in desired ways. Psychotherapy aims to increase each individual's well-being and mental health, to resolve or mitigate troublesome behavio... & Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psycho-social intervention that aims to improve mental health. CBT focuses on challenging and changing unhelpful cognitive distortions and behaviors, improving emotional regulation, and the development of personal coping strategies that target solving curr... Therapies. Developed by the highly acclaimed Marisa Peer who has fine tuned this method over 30 years.




I had been struggling with mental health for a while. I found Jeanie and that she does trauma therapy. She brought up RTT and we started it. Best decision ever. It has allowed me to overcome the “blocks” I had in place. And to understand that I have control of my life. Even when things get tough knowing that I can listen to my recordings and be reminded to keep pushing toward the positive is an amazing tool. It has definitely had a positive impact on me, my mental health, and my over all well being. I highly recommend Jeanie and her RTT therapy method.     ~ Charlie S.




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